Top Tracker

Process Flow

  1. In-Charge will prepare the projects (clients).
  2. Add the members(auditors) and members should accept the projects invitation.
  3. Start/Stop the task under the projects(clients).
  4. Export report for transferring to Timekeeping template

Prepare the Projects and add members

  1. Under Project Menu, Click on New Project.
  2. Enter Project name(CLIENT CODE based on Timekeeping system client’s code) then click Create and Go to Next.
  3. Enter Team members email address and assign appropriate role (Worker or Supervisor)
  4. Always include NLV’s email to all projects.
  5. Then click Send Invitations

Start/Stop the task

  1. Under Web Tracker menu, click on Start button for specific project to start tracking activities.
  2. You can only start tracking project one at a time. If you start other project accidentally it will stop the current project you are working.

Export reports/activities

  1. For Supervisor or Admin, filter your name
  2. Then click on
  3. Remove unnecessary columns highlighted on sample below
  4. Convert duration_seconds to hours using this formula =<cell#>/3600
  5. Get the date on start_time column using this formula =LEFT(<cell#>, 10)
  6. You can now copy your logs into your timekeeping logs template and change the date format to mm/dd/yyyy and reg to 2 decimal places number.