Microsoft security and verification

  1. Download Microsoft Authenticator on your phone. You can download in on App store (for Apple users) or Google Play store (for Android users).
  1. Sign in your Microsoft Account in any Microsoft Applications it will notify you first to secure your account. Click Next.
  1. Then it will redirect to My-Sign-ins page, to authenticate your account. Click Next until you see the page with the QR code.
  1. Proceed to step five when you see the QR code.
  1. Scan the QR code by clicking the three dots in top right of Microsoft Authenticator and choose “Work or School.” Select Scan a QR code.
  1. Click Next after you successfully scan the QR code. Click again also Next to approve the notification that will send to Microsoft Authenticator. Then click Approve.
  1. After you approve the notification, you will be redirected to the page that you successfully secured your account. Click Done.